Sunday 17 November 2013

Unfaltering Friendships

After three years of not seeing each other, I was reunited with one of my greatest friends: Merissa. I met up with her at UTSC and we hugged it out. Well, sort of. It was a brief hug because it was freezing outside and we were both keen on scurrying into the warmth of the buildings. But it was still filled with the bursting happiness that is expected from two long lost buds. 

We just lounged around for a while as we made unsuccessful attempts at sneakily taking a spamload of photos on her mac. We were given an ample opportunity to catch up on everything that was on our minds. It was nice. Very nice. Similar to my dear friend, I hardly get the chance to immerse in long conversations with people face to face.

Aside from pouring our thoughts out, we laughed and we reminisced about old times and we laughed some more. Up until that point, neither of us realized that we've actually been friends for around 7 or 8 years now. It's an incredible thought. It's also crazy how quickly time passes. 

Later on in the afternoon, we impulsively decided to head over to Pickering to grab some sushi. We were both hungry and suddenly craving the delicious Japanese delicacy. When we got to the sushi place, we thought it was closed. But, fortunately for us, it was open and pretty empty... meaning that the food was served to us that much more speedily! Mmm. I must say, everything was great; The service, the presentation, the taste. Everything.

After our splurge on food, we walked to the mall through the frosty air and chilly winds. We decided to buy matching shirts to relive our silliness from years and years ago. It was like no time had passed at all.

Anyway, I'm still in wonder at how tightly knit Merissa and I still are after years of infrequent contact with one another. This is one friendship that I'm positive will go the distance.

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