Saturday 16 November 2013

Heart of the City

Ever since I started university, I think I've roamed Downtown adventurously more than I ever have in my entire life. As sad as that may be, it's also incredibly exhilarating. Most of my time in the bustling city has been spent with my best friend since the summer before eighth grade: Andrew. Thinking about it now, I realize that I actually spent the first day of university with him right in Downtown after my one and only class on Mondays.

To this day, I'm still considerably envious of everyone who's privileged enough to be going to school in the city. It always seems like there's so much to do. Sure, there are also loads of distractions. But, in all honesty, the freedom that it's accompanied by would be beyond worth it. I'm sure that, if I ended up attending classes in UTSG, I would have found a way to work around the urban craziness and keep up with my studies.

Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing what else this wonderful city has to offer. So far, my Downtown days have been filled with book store exploration, food tasting, aimless wandering, beautiful scenery to capture, laid back conversations, and simply absorbing the surroundings. I don't get to go out quite often but, whenever I do, there is always something to appreciate.

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