Monday 18 November 2013

Bittersweet Flashbacks

There are nights, such as this one, when memories flood in and fill every space in my mind. I look back and I remember how simple things were. Obviously, I thought nothing of it at the time. But, now.... it's a different story.

Along the way, such good friends have faded into oblivion. There were twists and turns that ultimately caused everything to become so... complicated. I never would have anticipated that things would have been the way they are now. There are people who I thought would still be by my side. But they're long gone. 

On the upside, there are a handful of others who now mean more to me than I could have ever imagined.

There are moments that I long to relive and there are moments that I'd rather have erased. There are friends I wouldn't trade for the world and there are people I wish I hadn't shared so many of my thoughts and my self with. There are motives that I am proud of and there are layers of resentment that put me to shame.

Down the road, I know there will be more circumstances that will test my patience, my will, my composure, and my faith. Even more unwanted memories will pile themselves atop one another day after day and year after year. But, somehow, I'm certain that everything will turn out fine.

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