Sunday 17 November 2013

The "Debut"

I'm going to take things a little further back by writing about my 18th birthday in the summer. It's an enormous Filipino tradition for a girl to have a debut when she turns 18. Growing up, I've never quite felt the urge to have one. However, I can't help but admire how touching every debut turns out to be. There's the tiniest twinge of longing for such a huge celebration, but it's alright.

Aside from spending time with my parents at home, I ventured out into the scorching heat with two of the closest to my heart. From cracking jokes and laughing in between bites, I must say that my little "debut" was pretty darn awesome.

Since we were at Mandarin, I was given obnoxious props as a middle-aged man with a strong Chinese accent belted out his hilarious rendition of "Happy Bursday". I ended up finishing most of the cake by myself. It was filled with jello and it was a bit peculiar and I was really, really stuffed. We all paid our bills separately and were amused by the slips of paper in the fortune cookies that were given to us. These guys didn't even pay for me. They suck.

I'm just kidding.

Even though we ate at a location that was still within the same town.. er, city, it was sad that we somehow managed to get lost. We basically walked in circles around a neighbourhood while struggling to figure out which buses were still in service on a Saturday. Of course, we failed. Hard. We spent at least half an hour waiting for a bus that (surprise!) didn't run on weekends. And then we were drenched in sweat from the merciless sun. Good stuff.

When we finally got back to Andrew's house, we whipped up some strawberry smoothies to ease the heat. And when that could not suffice, we complained endlessly about how we wish we had a swimming pool or passes to the water park at Wonderland. Eventually, we resorted to idiotically sticking our heads in the sink to soak our heads with tap water. 

Like, dang. How innovative are we? Couldn't ask for better people to make a fool out of myself with. 

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