Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Beginning

Bear with me as I struggle to decipher the aspects of composition on blogspot. Anyway, I intended on starting on the first day of 2014. But, unsurprisingly, that plan went to ruins as soon as the university friends had begun to discuss the wonders of blogging. I simply couldn't resist.

I suppose I'll start this off by expressing how exhilarating the first concert for YUGC was. Ever since I finalized my timetable for the year, I haven't been able to keep my mind off gospel choir. It's such a refreshing experience. I'm not quite sure how I can use words to capture the uplifting beauty of being surrounded by incredible individuals whose raw passion and enthusiasm are infectious.

The first concert was almost a month ago and I'll never forget it. Somehow, the couple hundred of us found a way to fit onto the risers on stage. It was an evening of the soulful soloists leading an army of booming voices to musical victory. To this day, I still cannot absorb the joy we all felt.

I couldn't have been more thankful to have been able to share this first university milestone with some close friends and family. It was the first time I received flowers after a performance. Imagine that. I wasn't even one of the soloists and my friends were sweet enough to do something to make me smile endlessly. On another note, I have an amazingly thoughtful best friend. Much thanks to him for bringing up the idea.

As complicated as university is, I must say that I'm enjoying every second of it.

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