Sunday 1 December 2013

I Stand Amazed



On the 22nd and 23rd of November, our Gospel Choir had another two concerts. Half of the line-up was identical to the first show's back in October, so I didn't think to ask as many people to come. In the end, though, it turned out to be a hectic weekend and only one person showed up on the Saturday: none other than the best friend, everybody.

The colour scheme this time around was red and black, which all seemed to enjoy. It actually looked pretty wonderful on stage. And, of course, the breathtaking exhilaration of being on stage with this group of people was just as wonderful. If anything, it was magnified three times since the first show.

Looking back at the two show dates, it was interesting to see the contrast between them. On Friday, it was more difficult for us to contain ourselves. Everything that the audience saw was a raw result of the effort put into hours of practice that very same day. It was the opening show; we were anxious, overjoyed, nervous, and filled with anticipation all at once. One of the songs we performed was called Amazing. That was our song of ultimate surrender and, boy, were we at our most vulnerable at that point. Friday was an evening full of unreserved expressions. Quite emotional.

Saturday, on the other hand, tested our abilities to keep our composure. This time around, we knew what to expect and invested our effort into bringing out the most in the songs. It definitely wasn't as emotional. However, the overall sound seemed to be well-adjusted. There was more power in our voices.

I really can't say whether one day was better than the other. And, anyway, it doesn't really matter. I can't wait to see what next semester brings (plus, for those reading this, make sure to come to our spring concert in March)!

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