Monday 30 December 2013


Once again, it's been a while. Over the break, I've forgotten how stressful the music program can get. As I was looking through old pictures, it was a bittersweet feeling to see the pictures of one of the most redundant tasks I've been given. For those of you who were wondering what some music assignments are like, this is one of them. A transcription and analysis assignment. It is hard work and it is incredibly tedious. Handwritten notes and stems on pages of endless lines. Fun stuff. It's a killer when you look over to the corner of your bedroom and know that you'd much rather be reading one of the untouched books on your shelves. In a way, I'm both dreading and anticipating my return to these musical tasks. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying the break while I still can. Cheers.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Blue Christmas

A slew of circumstances have risen to cloud the atmospheric, jingly joy of the holidays. If I was mightily looking forward to my month-long break a couple of weeks ago, that excitement has slowly declined by a mile. 10 months ago, I landed a job at a store called Edible Arrangements. It's a cute, little place that is one of the many locations of a huge franchise. My responsibilities include: cutting fruit, putting skewers through 'em, getting them dipped in chocolate, arranging the fruits in baskets/containers, wrapping these arrangements, general cleaning of the area, speaking with customers on the phone, taking care of customers at the front desk, looking after pick-up orders, and handling some things on the computer system. I'm usually scheduled for closing shifts and am able to have some time to myself while snacking on leftover fruit. It isn't such a shabby job, but it definitely isn't my ideal version of relaxation. I'll just have to suck it up since most of my break will be spent at this place. Here's a peak into what the holidays will look like for me:

But, truthfully, I don't think I mind working the season away at this point.


Let's rewind to last week: Monday, December 2nd. For a moment, I couldn't quite peg what it was that took place on that day. Having had 6 exams over the past 4 weeks or so, it's a bit of a task figuring out how and when I managed my time for everything that was going on. Anyway, last Monday wasn't an exam at all. But, it did turn out to be an unnecessary day of commuting to school for an hour just so that we could sit through an exam review that didn't seem to be of much guidance (especially since it was all online already and the professor didn't tell us anything new). This intricate little portion of the course is only worth 5% for this first term. And I am here chuckling sadly because that's literally worth as much as my attendance for most of my other courses. This means that - you guessed it - the written exam was only worth 1.5%. Our little assignment and another vocal exam were only worth 1.5% or so, as well. Such hefty, hefty, hefty portions. Wowwee. I'm just glad I've got nearly a month of recovery time from all of this. 

After the last lecture of the year was finally over, I made my way toward the closest mall to my house. I figured that, since I was actually employed, I could afford to get my hands on a few Christmas trinkets for selected people. Now, let me tell you something about myself. Having to spend eons at the mall and walking in circles have never really been my thing. So, when I went to the mall that day, my aim was to be done in less than two hours. Boy, did I underestimate how long it would take to find the "perfect" presents. 

At the same time, I also underestimated how much I would end up spending. I only bought gifts for 4 people: my parents and a couple of friends. I still need to get stuff for a couple of my cousins, but I think I went a little over my budget. My excuse is that these things aren't for me and that it is the time of the year to be generously jolly! So, I have no regrets. It did end up taking almost 4 hours for me to find 4 gifts, but I must say that I am impressed with the turnout. Once the gifts have all been given, I shall definitely write about what reactions I received. There's something to look forward to.

Oh, I should also mention that I spent a lot of time alone that day. Aside from shopping on my own at the mall, I had to wait for a bus home for a long, long time since there was a bit of a delay. I was waiting on three buses and they all came at the same time. I think I was outside for around 40 minutes. And it. Was. Freezing. 

Unfortunately, the bus that goes straight to my area didn't bother to pull over to the right lane to see if I needed a ride.. which was ridiculous since I was standing right under the bus stop sign. That turned out to be the last bus before three hours of trains back to where I live. 

"Why not take the train?"

Because it would take 40 minutes for me to walk home from the train station. The weather would not permit that kind of activity. So, at the end of my day, I was waiting around at a considerably empty McDonald's to get picked up by my mother. Let's hear it for the loner life.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

And it Begins

Well, 'tis the season. And here's to how the season started out. Despite the pressure of enduring the impact of first term's finals, the start of Winter was actually decent. As usual, it was kicked off by spending time at the thrift store to see (mostly) what books and board games were marked off for a good bargain. Below, you will find a real and natural expression from this good friend of mine as he looked through a board game that appeared to be in mint condition. My final verdict was that he wouldn't even be likely to play the game at all. And that his facial expressions are priceless... mind you, the board game was only one dollar. Oh well, saving is saving. Ultimate cheapness for the win.

And, now, I present to you the few shots I snapped from the first actual snowfall near where I live. People always make these remarks about where I live - about how it's so far off; how it's too dark at night; how the straight drive is long and boring; how it's incredibly inconvenient. 

I, on the other hand, have honestly grown fond of it and I don't mind one bit. The long drives and the open fields make it that much easier to appreciate the natural beauty of the place. Each day of this "new" schedule of mine is turning out to be just as much of a routine as high school was. But it's sights like these that really do calm my sore eyes and numbing mind. Cheers to Winter.

Sunday 1 December 2013


Lately, it really feels like I've been in a rut. In between the endless load of schoolwork, the pathetically plummeting grades, the lack of extracurricular activities, the personal situations, and the trips to places I won't mention here, it's been a constant struggle trying to keep up. If I thought I had it rough in grade 12... I don't even know how to describe the circumstances now.

It seems that I've hardly even had the time to just sit, relax, and reflect on life lately. It's sad knowing that I rarely pick up my guitar anymore and haven't sped through leisurely reads at my normal speed. I really miss having time to myself without having to worry.

I know that I need to pick up the slack with school, amongst other things, but all I want right now is to bask in nothingness. Whether it's a practical use of time or not, I'm going to be taking a breather for the moment. Here's to a chance to clear my thoughts.

I Stand Amazed



On the 22nd and 23rd of November, our Gospel Choir had another two concerts. Half of the line-up was identical to the first show's back in October, so I didn't think to ask as many people to come. In the end, though, it turned out to be a hectic weekend and only one person showed up on the Saturday: none other than the best friend, everybody.

The colour scheme this time around was red and black, which all seemed to enjoy. It actually looked pretty wonderful on stage. And, of course, the breathtaking exhilaration of being on stage with this group of people was just as wonderful. If anything, it was magnified three times since the first show.

Looking back at the two show dates, it was interesting to see the contrast between them. On Friday, it was more difficult for us to contain ourselves. Everything that the audience saw was a raw result of the effort put into hours of practice that very same day. It was the opening show; we were anxious, overjoyed, nervous, and filled with anticipation all at once. One of the songs we performed was called Amazing. That was our song of ultimate surrender and, boy, were we at our most vulnerable at that point. Friday was an evening full of unreserved expressions. Quite emotional.

Saturday, on the other hand, tested our abilities to keep our composure. This time around, we knew what to expect and invested our effort into bringing out the most in the songs. It definitely wasn't as emotional. However, the overall sound seemed to be well-adjusted. There was more power in our voices.

I really can't say whether one day was better than the other. And, anyway, it doesn't really matter. I can't wait to see what next semester brings (plus, for those reading this, make sure to come to our spring concert in March)!