Wednesday 11 December 2013

Blue Christmas

A slew of circumstances have risen to cloud the atmospheric, jingly joy of the holidays. If I was mightily looking forward to my month-long break a couple of weeks ago, that excitement has slowly declined by a mile. 10 months ago, I landed a job at a store called Edible Arrangements. It's a cute, little place that is one of the many locations of a huge franchise. My responsibilities include: cutting fruit, putting skewers through 'em, getting them dipped in chocolate, arranging the fruits in baskets/containers, wrapping these arrangements, general cleaning of the area, speaking with customers on the phone, taking care of customers at the front desk, looking after pick-up orders, and handling some things on the computer system. I'm usually scheduled for closing shifts and am able to have some time to myself while snacking on leftover fruit. It isn't such a shabby job, but it definitely isn't my ideal version of relaxation. I'll just have to suck it up since most of my break will be spent at this place. Here's a peak into what the holidays will look like for me:

But, truthfully, I don't think I mind working the season away at this point.

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