Wednesday 11 December 2013


Let's rewind to last week: Monday, December 2nd. For a moment, I couldn't quite peg what it was that took place on that day. Having had 6 exams over the past 4 weeks or so, it's a bit of a task figuring out how and when I managed my time for everything that was going on. Anyway, last Monday wasn't an exam at all. But, it did turn out to be an unnecessary day of commuting to school for an hour just so that we could sit through an exam review that didn't seem to be of much guidance (especially since it was all online already and the professor didn't tell us anything new). This intricate little portion of the course is only worth 5% for this first term. And I am here chuckling sadly because that's literally worth as much as my attendance for most of my other courses. This means that - you guessed it - the written exam was only worth 1.5%. Our little assignment and another vocal exam were only worth 1.5% or so, as well. Such hefty, hefty, hefty portions. Wowwee. I'm just glad I've got nearly a month of recovery time from all of this. 

After the last lecture of the year was finally over, I made my way toward the closest mall to my house. I figured that, since I was actually employed, I could afford to get my hands on a few Christmas trinkets for selected people. Now, let me tell you something about myself. Having to spend eons at the mall and walking in circles have never really been my thing. So, when I went to the mall that day, my aim was to be done in less than two hours. Boy, did I underestimate how long it would take to find the "perfect" presents. 

At the same time, I also underestimated how much I would end up spending. I only bought gifts for 4 people: my parents and a couple of friends. I still need to get stuff for a couple of my cousins, but I think I went a little over my budget. My excuse is that these things aren't for me and that it is the time of the year to be generously jolly! So, I have no regrets. It did end up taking almost 4 hours for me to find 4 gifts, but I must say that I am impressed with the turnout. Once the gifts have all been given, I shall definitely write about what reactions I received. There's something to look forward to.

Oh, I should also mention that I spent a lot of time alone that day. Aside from shopping on my own at the mall, I had to wait for a bus home for a long, long time since there was a bit of a delay. I was waiting on three buses and they all came at the same time. I think I was outside for around 40 minutes. And it. Was. Freezing. 

Unfortunately, the bus that goes straight to my area didn't bother to pull over to the right lane to see if I needed a ride.. which was ridiculous since I was standing right under the bus stop sign. That turned out to be the last bus before three hours of trains back to where I live. 

"Why not take the train?"

Because it would take 40 minutes for me to walk home from the train station. The weather would not permit that kind of activity. So, at the end of my day, I was waiting around at a considerably empty McDonald's to get picked up by my mother. Let's hear it for the loner life.

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