Tuesday 10 December 2013

And it Begins

Well, 'tis the season. And here's to how the season started out. Despite the pressure of enduring the impact of first term's finals, the start of Winter was actually decent. As usual, it was kicked off by spending time at the thrift store to see (mostly) what books and board games were marked off for a good bargain. Below, you will find a real and natural expression from this good friend of mine as he looked through a board game that appeared to be in mint condition. My final verdict was that he wouldn't even be likely to play the game at all. And that his facial expressions are priceless... mind you, the board game was only one dollar. Oh well, saving is saving. Ultimate cheapness for the win.

And, now, I present to you the few shots I snapped from the first actual snowfall near where I live. People always make these remarks about where I live - about how it's so far off; how it's too dark at night; how the straight drive is long and boring; how it's incredibly inconvenient. 

I, on the other hand, have honestly grown fond of it and I don't mind one bit. The long drives and the open fields make it that much easier to appreciate the natural beauty of the place. Each day of this "new" schedule of mine is turning out to be just as much of a routine as high school was. But it's sights like these that really do calm my sore eyes and numbing mind. Cheers to Winter.

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