Sunday 1 December 2013


Lately, it really feels like I've been in a rut. In between the endless load of schoolwork, the pathetically plummeting grades, the lack of extracurricular activities, the personal situations, and the trips to places I won't mention here, it's been a constant struggle trying to keep up. If I thought I had it rough in grade 12... I don't even know how to describe the circumstances now.

It seems that I've hardly even had the time to just sit, relax, and reflect on life lately. It's sad knowing that I rarely pick up my guitar anymore and haven't sped through leisurely reads at my normal speed. I really miss having time to myself without having to worry.

I know that I need to pick up the slack with school, amongst other things, but all I want right now is to bask in nothingness. Whether it's a practical use of time or not, I'm going to be taking a breather for the moment. Here's to a chance to clear my thoughts.

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